3 ways to get started in developing digital learning - infographic

3 ways to get main

When you’re beginning with eLearning it’s often hard to know how to get started. For many learning and development people the IT aspects of a learning management system implementation project can seem like the biggest hurdle, but having the technology in place is only one part of the puzzle. What you do with the technology is more important. Often one of the most complex pieces of the puzzle is deciding on the best approach to developing self-paced eLearning.

There are three common ways to getting started in authoring self-paced eLearning. The infographic below maps out the different approaches.

3 ways to get infographic


Commissioning program development


Building the program in-house


Using an off-the-shelf program



Partner with experienced learning designers and developers to develop a customised program.

Internal subject matter experts develop the program.

One rule of thumb if you're moving from face-to-face training to an online program is that if you don’t already have someone in the organisation with the job title of trainer or facilitator, then you shouldn’t be developing your own eLearning. It’s considerably more complex.

With this approach you buy or license pre-existing program material.   


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You can expect these programs to be high quality, effective learning experiences that deliver business outcomes.

If eLearning is new to the organisation you get to experience the development process.

This approach is the cheapest.

This is the fastest way to get a learning program live in your learning management system.


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Often more expensive than the other options.

Generally offers a lower-quality learning experience.

Great eLearning is not easy to create – it takes a mixture of instructional design skills, visual design and media design skills.

It can take an in-house team three times longer than professionals to develop the program.

The programs are often not linked to your organisation's business outcomes.

If your core business is training then

part of what your clients want is your expertise. In this case, buy-in content is not going to work.