Modern learning ecosystems with JD Dillon

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Episode summary

JD Dillon joins the Learning While Working to discuss his modern learning ecosystem framework and its importance in a constantly changing environment. JD delves into tactics for influencing different departments, reinforcement and retention mechanisms, and why we need to eliminate the need for formal learning.

About JD Dillon

JD Dillon strongly believes in the power of help. He is the founder of LearnGeek and helps organisations rethink how they enable their employees. Over the past 20 years, he has worked with some of the world's most dynamic brands, including Disney, Kaplan, AMC and Axonify. Today, he is the world's foremost expert on frontline learning and engagement as well as a prolific author and speaker in the global HR and L&D communities.

Key Takeaways

  • What ‘modern’ means in the Learning Ecosystem Framework: there is a vagueness of the term "modern”, and JD Dillon seeks to define it in his book. It’s about the importance of being prepared for change, and the need to establish flexible and agile systems and processes. It’s important to provide a stable foundation for a good experience despite the constantly changing environment.
  • The importance of influence in building learning culture in organisations: There is a need for everyone in the organisation to prioritise learning. There are a number of tactics for influencing different departments and individuals to shift their mindset towards learning and development. Consider how to convince executives to adopt new ways of sharing information, and challenge outdated perspectives on learning and development.
  • The integration of knowledge management, Learning & Development, and corporate communications: a curator in the organisation can help solve problems instead of prioritising departments. Explore how to incorporate information flow and solve systemic issues.


  • 00:00:00 Introduction.
  • 00:01:46 Insights from his book ‘The Modern Learning Ecosystem’.
  • 00:04:44 A framework to help connect tools for learning solutions.
  • 00:09:19 The disconnect in organisations hinders problem-solving and learning.
  • 00:13:19 Differentiating shared knowledge vs. performance support.
  • 00:17:46 How to influence everyone in the organisation.
  • 00:24:00 Embracing learning as a constant, and why reinforcement is vital.
  • 00:30:56 Replacing the word ‘Learning’ with ‘Helping’ in our job titles.

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