Facilitation Tips Part 2 Process Tips
Facilitation Tips Part 2 Process Tips
Process tips
- Develop clear expectations/norms around the level of participation and quality of contributions. Guide participants on what makes a good post.
- Be consistent and clear, include timelines and reminders.
- Provide support to new members, give that little extra attention.
- Provide guidance on where posts belong.
- Acknowledge and reciprocate participation.
- Reply to posts that get no other recognition, draw out the quiet members (and the lurkers)
- Do not pile too much into the one post. Break it up into small paragraphs or multiple posts if dealing with more than one point.
- Use open ended questions to encourage participation.
- Notice if someone is missing, make contact (email, text, call) and invite them back.
- Let the community know when you will be offline for extended periods of time.
- Use participants names and during live sessions, endeavour to hear from everyone.
- In the community forming phase, demonstrate your presence with a few extra post’s even if it is just a comment about the weather.
- Always proof your comments and/or tasks before posting.
- When activity drops, evaluate and respond as needed.
- Content that is debatable is best for use in forums.
- Content that is complex is best saved for live sessions.