Robert Kienzle - From Assessment to Workshop Debrief: Results-based Discussions and Activities


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Automatic Transcript of Robert Kienzle - From Assessment to Workshop Debrief: Results-based Discussions and Activities

[Robert Kienzle] 14:18:29
So today, what I'd like to do in this 30 minutes is introduce one of the assessment tools that I personally use it's one of my favorites. And then take a look at a few of the things that we do in the workshop, so I'll go in to a little bit of background

[Robert Kienzle] 14:18:44
about the assessment just to give you an idea of some of the concepts, and then we'll jump into the different ways we might use it with with groups in sometimes face to face and sometimes virtual, I won't go into hybrid today, simply because of the time

[Robert Kienzle] 14:18:59
limit, and we're not hybrid.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:19:03
So, the assessment, I'm going to discuss today is the team of management profile, which is one of the assessments offered by team management systems. They actually have a headquarters in Brisbane, Australia, they also have a UK headquarters.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:19:21
So I want to I want to first ask, are there any team of management profile facilitators here today. feel free speaking up or typing in the chat.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:19:36
No problem. Well, let me ask. Has anyone here, been a team management profile participant, especially if you've taken the profile and then you've also been in the workshop.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:19:51
Alright, Robin.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:19:53
Yes, and I'm going to go with since I'm going to go with a regular attendee not to ignore you Robin but Rebecca.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:20:02
If you want, would you give us maybe the the 30 to 62nd overview of what, what would you say is, is the description of the team management profile.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:20:16
But you're, you're on mute.

[Rebecca Slingo] 14:20:22
Sorry with God.

[Rebecca Slingo] 14:20:24
I mean a bigger room it's running.

[Rebecca Slingo] 14:20:26
I think you need to speak to someone else. Sorry.

[Rebecca Slingo] 14:20:27
Gosh, it was so long ago.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:20:30
No problem.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:20:32
I see lisa lisa I see a yes from you. Could you give us a quick overview, how would you give a short description of the team management profile.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:20:47
We can hear you media.

[Lisa Coulson] 14:21:00
We use eh assessment.

[Lisa Coulson] 14:21:13
Oh, for that we went through and filled in and then we were able to use that data to then have a conversation about what what actually the team. We were at strengths and where opportunities and it was actually really great I loved the form that went with

[Lisa Coulson] 14:21:20

[Lisa Coulson] 14:21:21
like anything that's really easy and useful.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:21:25
Excellent, thank you so much for sharing that Lisa you definitely hit on a couple of the talking points that I wanted to share. But I always love to hear about other people's experiences and how they might, you know, define or describe something, so I'll

[Robert Kienzle] 14:21:38
jump into a little bit of background about the team management profile. It is assessment based you do get a profile and then usually, it becomes a group workshop with a lot of discussion to give a little bit of background about it it's been completed

[Robert Kienzle] 14:21:55
by 1.5 million people around the world.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:22:00
And 202 countries.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:22:01
25 different languages and it's backed by the British Psychological Society. So and I like to throw that out there because there are a lot of assessments that that float around some of them are quite scientific and and accredited and others are maybe

[Robert Kienzle] 14:22:17
a little looser but this one does have a strong verified background, and that that personal assessment it's 64 questions. And then each person gets a about a 30 page profile report that starts very simple, it does go in depth but it's meant to be simple

[Robert Kienzle] 14:22:37
so people can understand it right away. That way we can get into the group workshops. So, what I usually have people do is before the session, they obviously take the assessment they get their profile report, and I asked him to read it, and I work with

[Robert Kienzle] 14:22:57
a lot of busy business people, and a lot of them only read the summary but I set up the precession work, so they only need to really read the summary and the answer some short questions about that, because we know that they can go through their profile,

[Robert Kienzle] 14:23:13
much more later, or they can work with me, one on one. So, the overall there three or four overall concepts that this assessment looks at the first are things that some of us might even start thinking about right now without taking the, the assessment

[Robert Kienzle] 14:23:31
for example, our how, where are we on the, on the extrovert introvert scale.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:23:38
You know, some of us are very highly extrovert some of us highly introverts Some of us are somewhere there in the middle. We also take a look at things like are we very practical.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:23:48
Maybe very organized, or we very creative, or I said, organized I would go under structured are we structured in the nature of our work, are we flexible, or evade analytical or belief space so we start with these four basic concepts and this is where

[Robert Kienzle] 14:24:05
the discussions really start yes we can share verbally, but we'll talk about some other things we might be able to do.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:24:12
The team management profile also covers the types of work, we'll. These are just different roles that would need to be completed in a, you know, in any kind of project it can be a short term project or long term project, starting with doing some research

[Robert Kienzle] 14:24:29
and advising on those findings to using that research to innovate new ideas promoting some of those ideas to other people developing those ideas until things get completed and then we start analyzing and reworking those results.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:24:44
It is a wheel because it usually goes around and around and around.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:24:49
Now we take these two ideas or the I should say the team management profile takes these two ideas. And ultimately, it gives us.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:25:04
Plot some of our major roles and related roles on what's called the team management wheel. Now, for those of you who want to know more about this in depth team management wheel.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:25:11
There are plenty of resources online. I do have a link on today shared me roll board already, I can put that in the chat later don't go read about it now, but but but it does go dig it definitely goes deeper and you'd want to either read about it more

[Robert Kienzle] 14:25:26
or even take a workshop.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:25:28
Lee thank you for that question. This assessment is not free. It's, and depending on you know which headquarters you buy it from, or sometimes which facilitator you buy it from the base cost hole at cost to a facilitator is usually around 100 US dollars.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:25:49
But you would need to get that through someone who is accredited and.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:25:56
So for example, if you bought it from me, I have, I can send you the link but you could not buy it directly, without going through, you know another accredited facilitator.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:26:08
The other thing I wanted to mention because it comes up in our conversations, is that middle part linker or when we talk about linking that's a lot about communication.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:26:18
So if we have different people who prefer different types of communication. They prefer different types of work, how are they sharing those ideas, somebody who is maybe and a bit introverted that loves to do research and reading may work and communicate

[Robert Kienzle] 14:26:35
very differently than somebody who's over here on the other side, who's a thruster organizer, who likes the actual doing you know maybe there, maybe they like the boots on the ground they like talking with the external clients.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:26:49
The types of work they're doing is they're both necessary, but are they communicating well if they have these different preferences and that's where linking comes in.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:27:00
So enough kind of theory and background. Let's talk about putting these ideas into action. Because whether you're running a team management profile, whether you're running disk or any of the other wonderful assessments that are out there, there may be

[Robert Kienzle] 14:27:15
some things that we could do in a session, whether its face to face or virtual, that could be helpful for our participants.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:27:24
So for example, one of the things I love to do in a face to face interaction is I love creating movement in the room, a few ways that I do that.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:27:34
We all know there's going to be discussion about our results. As you know, for example, introvert extrovert we can all share that within our team to create a better understanding of who we're working with and how they really view themselves and work as

[Robert Kienzle] 14:27:47
an introvert or extrovert just on one of those concepts. But what I love to do in the room is get people moving around. So what I like to do is I create on on a wall in the room, these different scales.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:28:04
So we have people moving on one side of the room if their extrovert score was high, people who have a high introvert score, they're moving to the other side of the room.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:28:14
So that creates a bit of visual memory, looking around the room seeing where people are. It also creates discussion of are you in the right place. If you scored a 15 out of 30 on introvert.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:28:28
Are you in the right order with your other co workers so it almost forces them to start discussing the results. Before we really start discussing the takeaways.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:28:38
We can do this with any of the concepts, including kind of what you see here, we can include the team management wheel itself around the room using different pronounced using different posters, we can have people sitting, based on their results.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:28:59
And that creates a very wonderful circular visual and hopefully creating more visual memory with the discussions that we will be having about people's results.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:29:10
It also allows us to move around the room, if we use a world cafe style activity where certain groups are visiting certain sections of that wheel in certain parts of the room and certain people are discussing their takeaways from from their results.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:29:41
Another thing that I love doing is bringing in outside resources that aren't even not from team management, but the team management profile for example, I have some abstract picture cards, and one of my warm up activities is putting these picture cards,

[Robert Kienzle] 14:29:44
all over a table and asking people how do you view your team communication, or how do you view the collaboration abilities of your team. And people are going around picking up different cards, sharing those with each other.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:30:01
And then really without even diving into the profile takeaways there already sharing their experiences with the team.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:30:10
That's a great warm up but it can also be done at any time but it's the whole point is getting them moving around the room, so it so it's not just verbal discussion, you know, for the, for the two or four hour workshop.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:30:25
However long we have that scheduled.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:30:27
Now for those of us who are still very much based in virtual and then probably will be for the foreseeable future.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:30:34
I love and I have, I love using Miro I know Robin and sprout Labs is using me road today. There are other online whiteboards but Miro is my go to, and if I don't have a physical room to allow people to move around in how can I get them moving around on

[Robert Kienzle] 14:30:51
a virtual whiteboard.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:30:53
Yes, we still have the discussion yes we still have the chat box and zoom, or Microsoft Teams whatever we're using, but by using these virtual whiteboards I have people taking their results on the team management wheel, and I'm having them write their

[Robert Kienzle] 14:31:07
takeaways. I'm having people zoom in, I'm or I'm controlling the camera and I'm zooming in on that Miro board, and even if we're not physically moving around, we are still clicking and visually moving around to create that visual memory.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:31:24
So, I know most of you have used me row at least today in this session and I've got a different bureau board I'd like to share with you really quickly.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:31:33
I'm going to give you a really quick experiment, you know, really quick activity to do on the mirror board, we're going to just use one concept today.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:31:42
One of the basic concepts that most people are already familiar with most of us know if we're an introvert and extrovert somewhere in the middle. Maybe we bounce back and forth depending on the situation that we're in.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:31:55
What I'm going to ask you to do is to plot your name on the line in a breakout group you're going to be with about five people today.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:32:04
Then we're going to ask you to write a characteristic about yourself, being an introvert or extrovert, and then just you know maybe in about 130 seconds or one minute each discuss some of your takeaways with your group.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:32:17
Let me show you what that looks like on the mirror board, I will give you in just a moment. So you'll see them hero board and you can find the breakout room will probably have about 1110 or 11 breakout rooms.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:32:30
So, if you're in breakout room number three, you can just zoom in, find number three. There we go.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:32:36
And the instructions are right there. So, type your name by double clicking,

[Robert Kienzle] 14:32:43
and then you can plot your name, wherever you are on that introvert or extrovert scale and then we'll see the other people in the breakout room, and how they're moving around their necks it asked you to write a characteristic about yourself.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:32:58
You don't need to dive deep into. And by the way, the sprout labs Miro board that come up coming up in the chat box is not the one I'm about to give you I do have a separate one.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:33:10
But what I'm, but then when you write your name or sorry, not your name when you write your characteristic the same thing if you're an extrovert you can just type whatever you know idea you'd like to share about yourself being an extrovert, or if you

[Robert Kienzle] 14:33:23
also have ideas about being an introvert just type them, and then have a quick one minute discussion, each person, what is something you'd like to share about your style of communication or your style of work based on introvert or being an extrovert.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:33:39
I do have some other takeaways here from some team management systems language about being an extrovert and an introvert. We love these ideas to come from you, organically.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:33:51
But if you need some help or want some ideas to spark your discussion.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:33:58
Wonderful. So there's two ways to access the mirror board first if you're on a mobile device, feel free to scan that QR code. But if you're not on a mobile device, and no problem, I am about to put the link of the mirror board link in the chat box right

[Robert Kienzle] 14:34:14
there. So, we're just going to have a five minute breakout room with five people each will come back here and I have a few other things to share about how we might take an assessment like this, and leave it into other programs that we may be running that

[Robert Kienzle] 14:34:34
are outside of the team management profile.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:34:38
So those.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:34:40
Those breakout rooms are welcome to start anytime I am also happy to up there we go, they are starting now so please click in the breakout room and I'll see you back here in five minutes.

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:35:09
And thank you sprout lab.

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:35:18

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:35:18
who. Sorry about the wrong link young No, no, no, and that was yeah I did see it's, I knew I thought about, you know, sending over my template or trying to get access and build it, but I knew that I might want to make another another change and I thought

[Robert Kienzle] 14:35:35
hey you know what just for five minute breakout if it works, it works. If not, not a big deal.

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:35:43

[Robert Kienzle] 14:35:43
man, let's see let's put a time frame on that focus on this one.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:35:52
But I guess I can personally see the big clock counting down, it's at three minutes and 45 seconds left. Awesome.

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:36:01
Go ahead.

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:36:07
Solid, huge, I feel unless people in the room, making uik

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:36:20
somewhere else.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:36:21
And I can see that most of the rooms do have multiple people's cursor's jumping around so that's that's great I I knew there was a danger of one person being the only active person if if other people have maybe stepped away or they're reluctant to turn

[Robert Kienzle] 14:36:38
on their microphones but it looks like we have pretty high participation rates at least. Judging from the mirror board movement.

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:36:46
Yeah, that's not

[Robert Kienzle] 14:36:51

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:36:59
Have you actually ever heard, forget his name, the founder of the team assessment system.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:37:12
Have I read a lot I actually haven't heard anything. Maybe I've seen a video but I nothing that was specific.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:37:15
More jerk, Margie Harrison and McCann.

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:37:15

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:37:23
So he's just my husband for probably five years ago now and he's actually quite elderly, and he's totally in the company.

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:37:34
Oh, it's actually quite one of those moments that sit there and you built this thing that millions it takes up down and still driving it forward is quite lovely.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:37:45
Yeah, I didn't go into their their background and a longer session I discussed how there was an engineer and a psychologist, which makes this meant to be very practical on the ground, because it's great to understand why we might communicate or work certain

[Robert Kienzle] 14:38:01
ways but that engineer says what does this mean for these, you know these these employees are these, you know, these teammates.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:38:16
And I do love that the the screenshot that was put on the main Miro board was actually a cut off my face which is no I like that because usually I'm in the middle of a sentence and I look goofy.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:38:33
I can't I am happy to send.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:38:37
If anybody needs me to in the next minute I'm happy to go back and and and put some of these other, like for example the team management wheel here. If anybody wants to screen captured that I could also just send you the actual image if if I guess I could

[Robert Kienzle] 14:38:52
just put the image myself on the mirror that might be easier.

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:38:58
It's interesting, I started doing

[Robin Petterd - Host] 14:39:01
wonder about the screen capture things I'm actually quite a bit fun doing it.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:39:08
I like it my big thing I actually have a LinkedIn article about this. What I found in the end by the end of 2020.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:39:14

[Robert Kienzle] 14:39:16
The beginning of 2020 people started taking screenshots of groups and they didn't know they're being screenshot it was shown up on LinkedIn and Facebook and other social media.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:39:24
I actually the end of 2020 wrote an article on LinkedIn just a personal article, it was and it was called stop taking candid pictures without people knowing it's, you know, because people literally were, you know, people were like eating a sandwich and

[Robert Kienzle] 14:39:39
now they're on LinkedIn and they're like what is this, I had nobody to eat, which is what I said I liked the fact that you cut off my face because I probably would look goofy in a personal screenshot,

[Robert Kienzle] 14:39:54
usually doesn't happen I did actually have it happen recently there was a. I won't name the company, but there was a professional company that actually put a screenshot of me on LinkedIn, and it looked like I was yelling.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:40:09
And I looked really goofy and I thought, how are you guys in 2020, taking surprise screenshots and uploading them without, without telling people

[Amy King] 14:40:27

[Robert Kienzle] 14:40:31
Excellent. Thank you all very much for participating in that now I know using using me row is, is, is something that most people have done, but I wanted to give that quick experiment, an activity to just say, how could we whether it's team management

[Robert Kienzle] 14:40:48
profile, whether you know whether it's disk or any other assessment, what can we do to get people moving around collaborating, while they're speaking.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:40:58
One of the great things about the the Miro board when we when we use a mirror board like this, is we can export this, we can take people's input.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:41:08
We can take what they've written, we can we can give them that link and permanently. Keep that link for them but it's better if we sometimes export that as a PDF, and we just have that for their internal team.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:41:20
Yes, it's a recruit it's it's it's a summary of some of the results, but it's also a summary of what they've disclosed and the parts of their profile that they'd like to share.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:41:31
Now I only have four minutes left, which is totally fine. A couple of things I wanted to mention that we often do in these types of discussions, whether its face to face, or it's virtual.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:41:43
When we take a look at our team results we will often plot these together will reveal this during the discussions and will say look a lot of our team members are, you know, they're on one side of this team management wheel.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:42:02
They're, they're organizing ideas, they're implementing ideas they're producing results.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:42:02
But if nobody has a preference for doing let's say research or innovating ideas or or checking up with quality control if no one's automatically choosing to do that work as a preference.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:42:17
How is that work actually being done, who is being assigned that and is it something that they want to be doing. And we say, look, that can be a challenge for your team.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:42:26
But what if a team member had eight people or or the in this case, 11 people.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:42:32
And we did have people who had preferences of doing certain types of work in their profile results. Will the challenge might be something that I mentioned earlier the communication tips and This lets me as a facilitator know, and it lets the team that

[Robert Kienzle] 14:42:47
I'm working with know, we may want to spend some time talking about communication challenges, whether that's directly from the team management systems material, or if it's something that I link elsewhere.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:43:03
For example, the firm know me I'm that I work with, we often work with teams where they're doing new team onboarding.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:43:11
We want to get together we want to have some kind of activity we want to have some fun discussion. Will the team management profile or an assessment like this is a great way to bring in some, some fodder for discussion.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:43:24
It doesn't have to go deep into, you know overall team challenges or conflict. It can simply be just revealing things about yourself. It can be about your social life, it can be about your professional experience, plus some of the team management profile

[Robert Kienzle] 14:43:38
results that we've learned about ourselves.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:43:41
We can bring in outside influence styles when we talk about you know people being assertive people using rational persuasion, people being great storytellers if they're inspirational, we can bring in outside content and weave it back into the profile

[Robert Kienzle] 14:44:00
results. Obviously if we talk about communication we can bring in collaboration programs, starting with the team management profile results, sharing that for two or three hours in a workshop, and then taking another hour two hours, three hours and diving

[Robert Kienzle] 14:44:14
into separate collaboration ideas.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:44:18
Again, going back when necessary to some of the profile results. The final thing I'd say is that if we have a team that has a long term history, but with those long term history they often have conflict and and and an assessment tool like this might be

[Robert Kienzle] 14:44:35
a great idea to get people back to square one to say let's forget about the current conflicts of the current work that we're doing right now. Let's get back to understanding each other, how we're communicating, how we're working, and then we can take

[Robert Kienzle] 14:44:51
that into a deeper conversation later to hopefully manage and prevent some of those future conflicts from happening.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:45:00
So, I have put on the group mirror board not my mirror board we're done with that one. But if you go back to the mirror board that has been shared by by sprout labs.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:45:12
I do have next to my profile picture.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:45:14
A link to an article about team management systems that that I wrote last year, I've put that in the chat box. Yes, that goes to my, my LinkedIn profile but if you would just like to connect directly on LinkedIn, I've put that in the chat box as well.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:45:32
Questions are welcome, I'm happy to answer questions now if there's time. but if we need to move on, feel free sending me a LinkedIn message anytime in the future, whether it's about assessments communication or just to say hello.

[Robert Kienzle] 14:45:44
So I'll pass my virtual microphone back to the sprout labs team.