[Webinar recording] How to solve your upskilling problems by designing learning ecosystems
Our workplaces are experiencing massive shifts and changes now. Some are driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, some driven by changes in technology and increased automation.
The United States is experiencing great resignation, where an increased number of employees are moving jobs and overall, the number of people in the workforce has reduced. In Australia, the unemployment rates are at an all-time low. Many roles are challenging to fill now. Organisations are looking at ways to reskill and upskill existing employees for new roles. Also, providing employees with learning and growth opportunities is becoming key to employee engagement.
The mindset of the learning ecosystem is a powerful way to design and deliver upskilled programs and ensure changes are embedded.
Places are now available for this free webinar in which you will learn how to solve your upskill problems by designing learning ecosystems.
In just 60 minutes, you will get an insider’s view into:
- Why reskilling and preparing your employee for the future is important now.
- How different learning approaches are needed for reskilling and upskilling.
- How hybrid workplaces are changing the way organisations are approaching upskilling.
- How to design a learning ecosystem that enables rapid upskilling.
- The strengths and weaknesses of using off-the-shelf content libraries as part of your upskills ecosystems.