
A couple of the things I've been thinking about recently

When I was planning Sprout Labs, the two technologies that I thought were going to be key to what I was planning were:

mobile technology
Games have become an important part of what I've been doing, but I also have had much to do with mobile technology.

Six things we have learnt about developing branching interactions.

This is the last in a series of posts that came from the talk I gave at the Serious Games BarCamp at AFTRS in Sydney.

One of our touch screen projects running on ipad

Just had a bit of a play with an iPad and one of the touch screen projects we have been working on. Tablets have many great possibilities in training.

How we have been going about developing branching interactions for STEM

I've been holding back on developing an authoring tool for STEM, mainly because I want to develop more experience in planning, writing and developing these interactions. The first couple I developed focus on using sticky notes on a whiteboard. This had some positives and negatives.

STEM - Why branching stories

Back when I started thinking about working with games and learning I got excited about the possibilities. I got an Individual Learnscope project to build the Blue Skies.

Brain Science and Learning Design - notes on the TFLN session

Wow, for me the Brain Science and Learning Design session by Tasmania Flexible Learning Network (TFLN) was great.

Sydney Serious Games Barcamp @ AFTRS 7th/May/2010 - Notes, observations and thoughts

Event reports and write-ups are always a bit odd. They are only one person's viewpoint and filter, and only a selection of the sessions that took place. In these notes, if I've missed really exciting stuff - sorry.

Presentation from the Sydney Serious Games BarCamp

Soon this presentation will be written up into a few blog posts.  

Thoughts on Communication Arts Interactive Annual 16 Winners

Interactive Annual on Prezi

To visit the Annual Online go to http://www. commarts. com/interactive/cai10/