
How we have been going about developing branching interactions for STEM

I've been holding back on developing an authoring tool for STEM, mainly because I want to develop more experience in planning, writing and developing these interactions. The first couple I developed focus on using sticky notes on a whiteboard. This had some positives and negatives.

STEM - Why branching stories

Back when I started thinking about working with games and learning I got excited about the possibilities. I got an Individual Learnscope project to build the Blue Skies.

Brain Science and Learning Design - notes on the TFLN session

Wow, for me the Brain Science and Learning Design session by Tasmania Flexible Learning Network (TFLN) was great.

Sydney Serious Games Barcamp @ AFTRS 7th/May/2010 - Notes, observations and thoughts

Event reports and write-ups are always a bit odd. They are only one person's viewpoint and filter, and only a selection of the sessions that took place. In these notes, if I've missed really exciting stuff - sorry.

Presentation from the Sydney Serious Games BarCamp

Soon this presentation will be written up into a few blog posts.  

Thoughts on Communication Arts Interactive Annual 16 Winners

Interactive Annual on Prezi

To visit the Annual Online go to http://www. commarts. com/interactive/cai10/

The future of this blog

This Blog - practicing what I preach on Prezi

Idea's for educational trials of the National Broadband Network (NBN)

Idea's for educational trials of the National Broadband Network (NBN)

Serious Games - xMedia Sydney 2009

"Want do you think the mixture of people here is?"This was a question I heard a couple of times during the day, because I think that few people felt like they were with "their group. " The audience wasn't the standard xMedia screen people.

Websites addresses for Transforming E-Learning through Game talk at LearnX


Teaching with Games - http://www. futurelab. org. uk/projects/teaching-with-games/
Games for Learning Report - http://www. futurelab. org. uk/resources/publications-reports-articles/handbooks/Handbook133
ABC Serious Game Initiative -  http://www. abc. net. au/tv/seriousgames/
http://delicious. com/petterdr/seriousgames
Serious Games Summit http://www. gdconf. com/conference/sgs. html There is audio recording of the sessions.