
The future of this blog

This Blog - practicing what I preach on Prezi

Idea's for educational trials of the National Broadband Network (NBN)

Idea's for educational trials of the National Broadband Network (NBN)

Serious Games - xMedia Sydney 2009

"Want do you think the mixture of people here is?"This was a question I heard a couple of times during the day, because I think that few people felt like they were with "their group. " The audience wasn't the standard xMedia screen people.

Websites addresses for Transforming E-Learning through Game talk at LearnX


Teaching with Games - http://www. futurelab. org. uk/projects/teaching-with-games/
Games for Learning Report - http://www. futurelab. org. uk/resources/publications-reports-articles/handbooks/Handbook133
ABC Serious Game Initiative -  http://www. abc. net. au/tv/seriousgames/
http://delicious. com/petterdr/seriousgames
Serious Games Summit http://www. gdconf. com/conference/sgs. html There is audio recording of the sessions.

eLearning Review Processes and Quality Assurance

One of the stages of the eLearning development process that I seem to continue to in conflict with and confused by is the review and quality assurance stage.

"We couldn't find things" - Organizing learning experiences

I've recently been doing with a lot of interviews with project teams that  developed eLearning solutions during 2008. One of the themes of the learner interviews was "we couldn't find things. "

This has led me to think more about how learning resources are organized and their information design.

eLearning Resources or eLearning Assets

As the year starts to wrap up, I've been reflecting on some of the projects I've been working on during 2008. One small project was prototyping a different way for doing resource development for a large centralize resource development project.

Learning Activities for Visual Learners

Recently, I've see some learning designers who are 100% word people have trouble grasping what means to be a visual learner. Often when we think about visual learners, we think: "Oh, they will need pictures and diagrams. " This is a good start . . .