20 questions you should ask before talking about training with Jeff Kortenbosch

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Episode summary

Jeff’s main focus is on internal mobility and skills based talent management through upskilling and reskilling teams and employees. This was a fascinating conversation where we delved into his 20 Questions framework, having performance conversations and how to handle push back from stakeholders about working differently.

About Jeff Kortenbosh

Jeff has over 20 years of experience in Learning and Development, working for global organisations like Philips, AkzoNobel, and IKEA. He is currently working at de Volksbank. Jeff is the author of the acclaimed book ‘20 questions Learning and Development should ask before talking about training’, where he unpacks measurable performance and business outcomes and relevant solutions that go beyond training. He is also an illustrator of digital explainer visuals.

Key Takeaways

  • See if your client already has a solution in mind, to help identify what they really want. As the learning designer, give them space to articulate ideas and get a sense for how committed they are to those ideas.
  • Consider reverse engineering exercises to help identify the bigger picture, and the tangible steps needed to get there. Jeff suggests asking questions such as ‘What does success look like?’. And it’s okay if you clients don’t know what good looks like yet – just focus on getting the team together to work it out for themselves.
  • It’s important to find the key learners to work with from the beginning of the training process, as it helps prevent potential pushback from employees. Jeff’s advice is to start small, for example seek the five key learners that you can begin working with, then build up from there.


  • 00:00:00 Introduction.
  • 00:02:03 How Jeff’s 20 Questions training works.
  • 00:05:59 The Parking Lot question.
  • 00:09:11 Getting to the route answer by defining success.
  • 00:13:06 Getting access to the right learners.
  • 00:16:12 Jeff’s learning process of co-creation.
  • 00:22:58 Jeff’s strategy for potential pushback from employees.

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