
Designing Blended Learning with the 70:20:10 Model

Join us online for an interactive discussion.

Getting better results from off-the-shelf content - using a 70:20:10 model


I’ve always had a love hate relationship with off-the-shelf the content from course libraries. Often off-the-shelf content is a great way to get started in elearning. However clients have found off-the-shelf content can be expensive and are unable to load it into their LMS.

Learning Conversations - some example questions for managers

As I have been working more with blended learning and the 7:20:10 model I have become interested in the important role the manager plays in learning.

Why we have become a Totara partner


Why we have become a Totara partnerMoodle is a great Learning Management System that is used by millions of learners around the world. Its ecosystem of plug-ins and themes makes it flexible and easy to customise; it's the perfect platform for blended learning.

Learning@Work - 70:20:10, Blended Learning, Social Learning

Visit our booth at the Learning@Work Conference to talk with the Sprout Labs team about:

Designing with the 70:20:10 framework
Designing and facilitating social learning
Implementing blended learning
Learning transfer
We will also launching a new planning tool to help you design learning experiences based on the 70:20:10 framework.

Blended Learning, Informal Learning and the Towards Maturity Benchmark

Welcome to Sprout Labs’ October newsletter

At Learning@Work we will be launching a new planning tool to help you design learning experiences based on the 70:20:10 framework.

Sprout Labs August Newsletter - informal learning research

The most important thing in eLearning this year. We often start projects with design workshops with learners. During these we keep hearing about learner’s and organisation’s frustration with the current shape of elearning. Elearning has some serious quality issues.

March Newsletter

Learning Cafe Unconference - Learning in 2014 – Agility to Relevance

As part of the knowledge management stream of Learning Cafe we have produced a 10 minute video which provides a nice summary of the unconference.

Video: Take aways- Learning Cafe Unconference 2014


As part the knowledge management stream of Learning Cafe we produced this video as a summary of the day.