eLearning events

Webinar: Learn how to evaluate 70-20-10 learning ecosystems

70:20:10 blended learning ecosystems are more complex than traditional learning and development activities. They have more components and are connected in more complex ways. Evaluation methods such as post-course surveys don't work with 70:20:10 learning ecosystems, so we need different approaches and methods.

Webinar: Learn how to use digital learning to accelerate the 70-20-10 learning model

Digital technologies can be an enabler for change, transformation and modernisation of learning. The future of workplace learning is the 70:20:10 learning model and a focus on learning while working.

Webinar: 70-20-10 examples and ideas - June


The 70:20:10 learning model is the future of workplace learning.  The 70:20:10 learning model has become widely known because it offers a simple explanation of how learning really happens at work.

Webinar: 70-20-10 examples and ideas - Content Curation

When an organisation moves to a 70:20:10 learning model they often need to rethink how learning content is produced. Often, a content curation approach is taken.

Learn how to develop a successful eLearning strategy



In learning and development there is often talk about the need to be more strategically focused. ELearning holds the promise of being flexible, faster and more effective than face to face learning.

How to design 70-20-10 learning eco-systems

In the Sprout Labs Learning While Working Manifesto we talk about challenges of what we are calling the 3Cs – Change, Complexity and Collaboration. Continuous learning and the 70:20:10 model is an ideal approach to dealing with these challenges.

How to make sure your 70:20:10 model is successful

The 70:20:10 model is not easy to transform into reality.  Learning and development people are often unsure about where to start with the model. Sprout Labs has put together the  Learning While Working Framework to help guide the design and implementation of 70:20:10 learning models.

Webinar: Introducing the Learning While Working Framework

The 70:20:10 learning model is a great way to explain how learning at work really happens, but it’s often not easy to translate into practice.  


This interactive webinar will introduce Sprout Labs’ Learning While Working Framework.

Webinar: Planting the seeds for the 70:20:10 learning model in your organisation

The 70:20:10 concept is a great way to explain how learning really works in a workplace. What is more difficult is how to translate the concept into a successful learning model. In this webinar, Planting the seeds for 70:20:10, we will explore how to get started with the 70:20:10 learning model.

Webinar: The roots of a great digital learning project

In this webinar “The roots of a great digital learning project” we will explore how to get started with digital learning.