An interview with Melanie Hawkins from BECA about a project that she has been working on which is a great example of a learning ecosystem.
This blog post is a bit of a tongue-in-cheek thought experiment.
Most digital learning is sold as being more efficient than face-to-face training.
I’ve recently been watching Marcella on Netflix and I’m repeatedly amazed by the sound design. If the term is new to you, I’m talking about the combination of background music and audio recordings in films, television and games. It’s often carefully-composed music that’s in sync with the action.
Potential clients often come to us wanting an ‘elearn’. We then ask some questions about the problem and we begin to talk about the 70:20:10 model and the full possibilities of digital learning.
Earlier this year while reading Paul Matthews’ Informal learning at work: how to boost performance in tough times I was reminded of the potential of journals and logs in learning. The idea of learning logs is not new but it feels a bit like I’ve rediscovered them.
This is a guest post from technical writer Bruce Ransley, who discusses the value of a good book.
An interview with Kathy Granger from Fort Hill Company about their online tool 70-20 and how it can be used to activate learning.
This podcast is a short discussion about the idea that in learning, process is the most important element.
An interview with Shaun Sheldrake from Growability about the manager's role in learning transfer.
An interview with Clint Smith from LearnWorks about questions that an instructional designer needs to ask to design performance-focused learning.