eLearning events

Creative thinking for learning designers

During the webinar, you will learn how to increase your creative thinking skills and increase the engagement of your learners.

Modern performance management with Totara Perform

A free webinar on what modern performance is and how Totara Perform can help modernise performance management in your organisation.

Designing your onboarding journey as a learning ecosystem

During the webinar, you'll learn how to apply a learning ecosystem approach to new employee onboarding.

Accelerate Content Curation with Totara Engage

A free webinar on how to rapidly develop learning experiences using Totara Engage without having to do the time-consuming task of developing new content, by using content curation approaches.

Mapping Hybrid learning now - online workshop

This workshop is an interactive exploration of what the current challenges of hybrid learning are and how L&D people are responding to these challenges.

Free webinar: A taste of being an eLearning superhuman - 11th of March

This webinar is a great opportunity to "taste test" being a part of the Sprout Labs eLearning superhuman lab. During the webinar we will explore what great eLearning is and how to improve your own eLearning course.

Remote Learning virtual conference - 17th, 18th and 19th November

The Remote Learning virtual conference brings together live, remote learning experts from around the world to share actionable advice across 3 days in November 2020.

During the event you will develop your facilitation expertise, learn how to design engaging sessions and much more.

Discover Glasshouse: The basics of Glasshouse

This Discover Glasshouse webinar is an exploration of Glasshouse’s basic learning content authoring features. It's an introduction into how blocks and sequence pages work in Glasshouse.

Free webinar: Planning your learning analytics journey

As our workplaces are becoming more data-driven, Learning & Development has new opportunities for measuring learning and the impact of your programs. In this free webinar, you’ll learn how to plan and implement sophisticated learning analytics in your learning programs.

Discover Glasshouse: Using Glasshouse as a lite Learning Management System (LMS) - 15th April

One of the common use cases for Glasshouse is as a simple LMS. There are times an organisation may only need to deliver one or two courses or when you need training delivered to an external audience, and Glasshouse is a great solution in these cases.